Programs Configuration Tab

Use this tab to set metric variable values at the program level to override the default values.

For a description of the fields and menus above the tabs, see Programs Common Fields.

Override Metric Variable Values

All metric variables that are listed on the Metric Variables tab in Settings > Metrics apply to all projects in Touchstone; however, there may be instances when you want to use a different variable value for some of your projects. In this case, you can add the variable to this grid and edit the value as needed. The adjusted variable values apply to all projects associated with the selected program.

When you import a new metric library, the variables and custom values that you have added to this grid are not overwritten.

Field Description
Name This is the name of the variable. You cannot rename it. Click to replace it with a different variable from the drop-down list.
Value This is the metric variable value. When you first select a variable in the Name field, this field displays the default variable value from the Settings > Benchmark Attributes view. Click to enter a different value to use instead of the default value.
+Edit Metric Variable Value Click to add an existing metric variable to the grid to edit the value.
X (Delete)

When you hover over a line in the Override Metric Variable Values grid, an X displays on the right side of the line. Click the X to delete the line and remove the override. The metric reverts to the default value on the Metric Variables tab (Settings > Metrics).